The environmental sector is blessed with many leaders; it’s a natural fit when the preservation of our natural environment is often juxtaposed against economic growth and other human interests, requiring passionate and caring people to dedicate their personal and professional time towards the things that foster healthier and more sustainable interactions and practices.
This year’s theme, Currents of Change, emphasizes the rapidly changing world that we are living in; where technology is advancing our understanding of the world around us, and how humans both influence – and are influenced by – the natural resources that our existence depends on. Environmental leaders are at the forefront of collecting, synthesizing, and communicating information to expand our understanding of ecology, flooding and erosion hazards, climate, natural resource management, restoration, and many other specialized areas in the environmental sector. These students, community leaders and professionals are the backbone for healthy watersheds, and recognition of their contributions is an important component of our annual symposium through the Latornell Leadership Award.
We’ve been recognizing our Leaders and Pioneers at the Latornell Conservation Symposium since 1999, and past recipients have ranged from students to retirees, from all corners of the province. We value the work these professionals and volunteers are doing and we want to thank them. But we need you to tell us who they are. The deadline for nominating someone for the 2019 Latornell Leadership Award is June 28, 2019. You can find all the information and nomination forms on the Latornell website at
This blog post contributed by Moranne McDonnell, Toronto and Region Conservation,
2019 Latornell Leadership Committee Lead
2019 Latornell Leadership Committee Lead