Currents of Change: Inspiring, Creating, Transforming

Currents of Change: Inspiring, Creating, Transforming

Friday, 4 November 2016

Tender and Contract

Tender, Contract and Pre-Construction for Low Impact Development

When constructing a low impact development (LID) feature, your tender and contract can be a tool to solve problems before they ever come to pass. It helps ensure that a qualified contractor constructs your LID project properly, and allows you to set out clear expectations for the contractor, consultant and inspector. It is important to be very detailed in your tender and contract, as there are critical components that may differ from traditional construction. Special provisions within the contract can provide detail to erosion and sediment control, material specifications and testing, inspection points, and specific maintenance protocols into warranty period. By having that critical information in the contract it can help to prevent costly repairs and maintenance as the project goes from construction to assumption.

Communication is also an important tool for a successful LID project. Many contractors in Ontario are new to LID and having a pre-construction meeting is a great way to help educate your contractors on what is different about LID construction. Pre-construction meetings should include discussions about protecting infiltration areas, meeting material specifications, material storage areas, construction sequencing, and communication chains. To properly prepare yourself for LID construction, maintenance or monitoring check out the Pre-Latornell LID training workshop on November 14th being offered by CVC and TRCA.

Check out Credit Valley Conservations video on Tender, Contract and Pre-Construction for more tips and tools.

More information about CVC’s LID Training Program can be found here:

This blog entry was contributed by Jakub Wrobel and Julie McManus of the Credit Valley Conservation Authority

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